Today I received my first Stylish Blogger Award given at the same time by my fellow blogger friends Angelin and Khushboo
I just love the wonderful feeling of being appreciated by people sharing the same passion as yourself. Thank you so much.
After receiving this award there are some rules that I have to follow -
- Link back to the person who gave you the award.
- Share 8 random things about you.
- Award 8 recently discovered bloggers with this award.
- Contact these bloggers and tell them they have won the award.
Here are some things about me
- I love the sound of ocean waves and chirping of birds.
- I love watching romantic comedy movies
- I like Bollywood music
- My favorite color is red
- I am superstitious to an extent that my friends and family go along with my superstitious acts rather than getting annoyed by me :)
- My favorite craft store is Michaels and I lose track of time when I am there.
Now I am passing this award to these talented people (each counts as two since they are extremely talented ;)